Thursday, June 2, 2011

Panic diosrder

Panic disorder is an anxiety and mental disorder recurring by severe panic attacks. This includes significant behavior changes. These may last for more than a month and people with this disorder worry about having more attacks. Panic disorders cannot be predicted. The most common symptom is having intense epsiodes of extreme anxiety. Thses may last from one to twenty minutes. However , attacks can roll one after the other. Other symptoms include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and uncontrolable fear.



Dyslexia is a mental disorder that has an effect on how our brain reads and understands words. The most common signs of dyslexia are reading and writing problems. I  order to find if a child has dislxia, he or she must be seen by a doctor. A child can be called dyslexic if they cannot read or write well. Children with dyslexia can be helped. They can be helped by teachers to break down words into different sounds. This helps them with their reading and writing.
